FEBC responds to the Water Festival tragedy
The day after the stampede that killed 350 people, Family FM went on air with special live programs , reporting unfolding events and announcing the emergency number for relatives to call. Later, FEBC staff took gifts of food and radios to survivors in hospital.
The day after the bridge stampede which left 350 dead and as many injured, FEBC’s local station Family FM was on air with special programs. We kept listeners up to date with the unfolding news, took calls from listeners in the provinces desperate for news of their loved ones, and gave out the phone numbers of hospitals and of the government emergency phone line.
Family FM aired a special program featuring members of the counselling service TPO who were offering their services free of charge to all victims of the disaster.
Later FEBC joined with teams from the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia to visit survivors being treated in the Phnom Penh Hospitals. “Thanks to generous donations from FEBC partners as well as from EFC supporters we were able to take gifts of food, toiletries, and radios,” says FEBCambodia Director Samoeun Intal.
Now Family FM is planning a counseling programs that will offer ongoing help and support to those affected by the disaster.